3d character animation, modeling, texturing, shading, lighting, coding, pipeline
Maya, 3d Studio Max, Pulse 3d, Move Tools, Photoshop, Inhouse Tools and Scripts
Baby Fred is an interactive character, who performed on the internetportal of Genie.de and Bild.de.
I developed a workflow for this project, that made it possible to animate the character in Maya, export the animation to 3d Studio Max and from there to the 3d web authoring system Pulse 3d.
FBX wasn´t implemented in those days, so i wrote some MEL and 3ds Max scripts, that allowed a lossless data exchange.
Furthermore, i did a lot of character animation, lip sync (manually), as well as the implementation of the animation in Pulse 3d.
All content shown with permission of CLANMO GmbH - A MindMatics Company.